We were taking a boat ride on river Narmada when we first saw him. The sun was about to set and we were returning from the temple on the middle of the river. He along with his boat was waiting for someone to pull them to one of the ghats. We came to know the… Read more »
When Late Jiban Krishna Saha became the owner of Mr. Allen’s restaurant in the late 19th century, had he any idea that more than 130 years later this place would be one of the favorite drooling dens for the food lovers of the city? Well, that we will never know. But we can always visit… Read more »
Today Kosha Mangsho and Golbari have become almost synonymous. We have heard about them from our parents and still a lot of people start drooling when they hear these two names.Bengalis love their “motton” (Mutton / goat meat) and they love their hot, spicy and greasy gravies. If you are weak at heart, I suggest,… Read more »
I was planning and trying hard to visit Eau Chew for the past few weeks. Finally last Sunday my wife and I decided it’s now or never. It was already 12:30 PM and we quickly searched the net for the restaurant contact details and timing. I tried the number twice but there were some problem… Read more »